5 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage in Parenthood

Sep 25, 2017
Prioritizing Marriage in Parenthood

Welcome to CityView Church Alvin's guide on prioritizing your marriage while navigating the beautiful journey of parenthood. Parenting can be rewarding and demanding, often leaving little time for couples to focus on their relationship. However, it is crucial to remember that a strong and thriving marriage is the foundation for a happy and united family.

1. Communication: The Key to Connection

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy marriage. Amidst the endless to-do lists and responsibilities of parenthood, carve out dedicated time to talk and truly listen to each other. Create space for open and honest conversations where both partners can express their feelings and concerns. By fostering open lines of communication, you can address issues before they become bigger problems, strengthen your emotional connection, and foster a deeper understanding of each other's needs.

2. Quality Time: Nurture Your Relationship

Allocate quality time exclusively for you and your spouse. Set aside regular date nights, be it a romantic dinner, a walk in the park, or a cozy movie night at home. Planning alone time allows you to reconnect and rejuvenate your relationship. Remember, quality over quantity is key. Being fully present during these moments helps strengthen the bond and reinforces the importance of your partnership.

3. Support Each Other's Roles

Recognize and appreciate the unique roles you both play in parenthood. Share the responsibilities and tasks, allowing each other to excel in their strengths. Create a supportive environment where both partners feel valued and acknowledged for the contribution they make as parents, while still maintaining their individual identities within the marriage. This helps to avoid resentment and fosters a strong sense of partnership in raising your children.

4. Prioritize Self-Care: Take Care of Yourself

Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your individual well-being is essential to maintaining a healthy marriage. Carve out time for self-care activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Whether it is exercising, pursuing a hobby, or simply enjoying quiet moments, prioritize self-care to ensure you bring your best self to the marriage and your role as a parent.

5. Seek Support: It Takes a Village

Building a strong support system is critical for any parent. Seek community-based programs and resources available at CityView Church Alvin to connect with other couples facing similar challenges. Attend workshops, participate in support groups, and seek guidance from couples who have successfully navigated the demands of parenting while prioritizing their marriage. Remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your commitment to building a thriving family.


As you embark on the journey of parenthood, remember that nurturing your marriage is just as important as raising your children. By implementing these 5 ways to prioritize your marriage, you can create a harmonious balance that strengthens your bond, enhances your parenting skills, and sets a positive example for your little ones. CityView Church Alvin is here to support you every step of the way as you navigate the joys and challenges of both parenthood and maintaining a thriving marriage.

For more resources and guidance, feel free to explore the various offerings we have for couples and families in our Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs category.

Marci Kaplan
Helpful tips for busy parents! 👍
Nov 8, 2023