Old Jacksonville - Carter Blood Care (Blood Drive)

Mar 17, 2019
Supporting Adoptive Families

About the Event

CityView Church Alvin proudly presents the Old Jacksonville - Carter Blood Care (Blood Drive) event. This community-driven initiative aims to collect blood donations that will save lives and make a significant impact in our society. By participating in this event, you can be part of the greater cause and contribute towards building a healthier community.

Why Donate Blood?

Donating blood is an act of kindness and compassion that directly helps patients in need. Each donation can save up to three lives, providing essential support for emergency transfusions, surgeries, and treating various medical conditions. By donating blood, you become a lifeline for those facing critical situations.

Event Details

Date: [Event Date]

Time: [Event Time]

Venue: CityView Church Alvin, [Location]

Category: Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs

Join the Cause

Participating in the Old Jacksonville - Carter Blood Care (Blood Drive) event is easy. Simply visit CityView Church Alvin on the specified date and time, and our dedicated team will guide you through the donation process. Every contribution matters, and your support will make a significant impact in our community.

Who Can Donate?

Anyone who meets the general eligibility criteria can donate blood. The requirements include being at least 17 years old, weighing at least 110 pounds, and being in good overall health. Additionally, you should not have had any recent major surgeries or illnesses. If you are unsure about your eligibility, our team will provide guidance and answer any questions you may have.

How to Prepare

Preparing for blood donation is simple. Make sure to eat a nutritious meal prior to your appointment and stay adequately hydrated. It's important to get a good night's sleep the day before and avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine leading up to your blood donation. These simple steps can help ensure a smoother and more successful donation experience.

The Donation Process

When you arrive at CityView Church Alvin, our friendly staff will guide you through the donation process step by step. You will need to complete a brief medical questionnaire and have your vital signs checked. Afterward, a trained professional will perform a simple blood draw that typically takes less than 10 minutes. The process is safe, sterile, and designed to ensure your comfort throughout.

Post-Donation Care

After donating blood, it's essential to take care of yourself. We recommend resting for a few minutes and enjoying complimentary refreshments provided at the event. Proper hydration and a balanced diet help your body replenish the donated blood more effectively. Remember to avoid any strenuous physical activities for at least 24 hours after donation, allowing your body to recover fully.

Spread the Word

Help us make a difference by spreading the word about the Old Jacksonville - Carter Blood Care (Blood Drive). Share this event with your friends, family, and coworkers, encouraging them to participate in this noble cause. Together, we can save lives and build a stronger and healthier community.


The Old Jacksonville - Carter Blood Care (Blood Drive) event at CityView Church Alvin is an opportunity for you to empower yourself with the ability to save lives. Your blood donation can bring hope, healing, and renewed strength to those in need. Join us on [Event Date] and be a part of this impactful initiative. Together, we can make a lasting difference and create a positive change in our community.

Alice Basmadjian
This blood drive is a great opportunity to save lives!
Oct 6, 2023