The Profound Teachings of Luke 9:57-63 at CityView Church Alvin

May 12, 2018


Welcome to CityView Church Alvin, a trusted name in the Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs category. We invite you to explore the profound teachings and insights found in Luke 9:57-63, an important scripture passage that holds valuable lessons for believers. Our community is committed to providing a welcoming space for individuals seeking spiritual guidance and a deeper connection with their faith.

Understanding Luke 9:57-63

Luke 9:57-63 is a thought-provoking passage that depicts various encounters between Jesus and individuals who express their desire to follow Him. It delves into the challenges and sacrifices that come with true discipleship.

The Cost and Commitment of Following Jesus

In this scripture, Jesus encounters three different individuals who express interest in following Him. However, He challenges them to consider the true cost and commitment required. Jesus emphasizes the need for undivided loyalty and the ultimate priority of one's relationship with Him.

1. The First Encounter: Commitment and Priorities

In the first encounter, Jesus responds to a person who proclaims, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus highlights the fact that even though foxes have dens and birds have nests, He, the Son of Man, has nowhere to lay His head. This statement serves as a reminder that following Jesus means prioritizing Him above worldly comforts and possessions.

2. The Second Encounter: Family and Proclamation

The second encounter involves Jesus calling another individual to follow Him. However, the person requests permission to bury their father first. Once again, Jesus emphasizes the importance of commitment and prioritization. He responds by saying, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." This statement underscores the urgency of spreading the message of the Kingdom of God, even when faced with familial obligations.

3. The Third Encounter: Moving Forward

In the final encounter, someone expresses their desire to follow Jesus but asks for the chance to bid farewell to their family. Jesus' response highlights the need for unwavering dedication and focus. He says, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." This conveys the importance of moving forward in faith, leaving behind distractions and past attachments.

The Lessons and Application

Luke 9:57-63 offers valuable lessons for believers today. It challenges us to reflect on our commitment to Jesus and the level of sacrifice we are willing to make. Within this passage, we find the themes of prioritization, loyalty, and unwavering dedication to the Kingdom of God.

Prioritizing Jesus Above All

Through the encounters in Luke 9:57-63, Jesus emphasizes that following Him requires prioritizing Him above all else. As believers, we are called to examine our lives and ensure that we place our relationship with Jesus above worldly comforts and attachments. This passage reminds us that He should be at the center of our lives and the ultimate focus of our devotion.

Commitment and Sacrifice

Jesus' interactions in this scripture highlight the need for commitment and sacrifice in discipleship. When the second encounter involves the request to bury a father, Jesus emphasizes the urgency of proclaiming the Kingdom of God. This teaches us that our commitment to Jesus should surpass even our family obligations. While family is important, our ultimate loyalty lies with Christ and His mission.

Focus and Determination

The third encounter emphasizes the importance of focus and determination in following Jesus. It serves as a reminder that once we commit ourselves to Him, we should move forward without looking back. Our path as believers requires unwavering dedication, leaving behind distractions and attachments that may hinder our progress in the Kingdom.

Join Us at CityView Church Alvin

If you resonate with the profound teachings of Luke 9:57-63, we invite you to join us at CityView Church Alvin. Our welcoming community embraces individuals seeking spiritual growth and a deeper connection with their faith. We offer various programs, worship services, and opportunities for fellowship, equipping believers to impact their communities positively.

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At CityView Church Alvin, we believe in the power of worship as a transformative experience. Our services are designed to create a sacred space where individuals can connect with God through prayer, music, and the teaching of His Word. Join us for an uplifting worship experience that will inspire and encourage you on your spiritual journey.

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We provide a nurturing environment for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and grow in their faith. Our knowledgeable pastors and leaders lead insightful Bible studies, discipleship groups, and seminars, helping believers develop a solid foundation in their spiritual walk.

Engage in Community Outreach

CityView Church Alvin is committed to making a positive impact on our local community and beyond. We actively engage in various outreach initiatives, serving those in need and extending compassion to the marginalized. By joining us, you'll have the opportunity to participate in impactful projects that address social and humanitarian issues.


The scripture passage, Luke 9:57-63, resonates with believers seeking a deeper understanding of true discipleship. It challenges us to prioritize Jesus above all, embrace commitment and sacrifice, and remain focused and determined in our walk with Christ. At CityView Church Alvin, we offer a vibrant community where you can explore these teachings and connect with others on a similar journey. Join us as we strive to live out the profound message and lessons found in Luke 9:57-63.

Lali Devamanthri
Thanks for sharing! I'm excited to dive into these powerful lessons together. 🙏
Nov 8, 2023
Fabio Betancourt
🙏 Powerful lessons for believers!
Oct 17, 2023