Why You Aren't Just a Mom: How God Uses Moms Everyday

Oct 17, 2019
Prioritizing Marriage in Parenthood


Welcome to CityView Church Alvin, where we celebrate the incredible influence and impact of motherhood. Motherhood is often seen as a traditional role, but we believe that being a mom goes beyond conventional expectations. Join us as we explore the profound ways in which God uses moms in everyday life.

Recognizing the Significance of Motherhood

Motherhood is a calling that carries immense significance. As a mom, you play a unique and irreplaceable role in shaping lives and molding future generations. Far more than just being a caretaker, God has entrusted you with the incredible responsibility of nurturing and guiding young souls.

Through the years, moms have been instrumental in instilling values, teaching life lessons, and offering love, support, and encouragement. The impact of a mother's love resonates throughout the lives of her children and communities, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

The Extraordinary Power of a Mother's Love

There is a unique power in a mother's love that transcends time and circumstance. It is a love that is sacrificial, unwavering, and unconditional. This love mirrors the love that God extends to each and every one of us.

When you embrace your identity as a mom, you step into a divine calling. Each day, your love reflects the character of God, teaching your children about grace, forgiveness, and compassion. You have the power to shape the world by raising children who embody these virtues and impact society positively.

Embracing Your Calling

As a mom, you are far more than just a caregiver or a homemaker. You are a living example of God's love and grace. Your influence carries incredible weight and reaches far beyond the walls of your home.

By embracing your calling, you become a source of inspiration and encouragement for other moms. Your experiences, triumphs, and challenges are valuable tools for building a supportive community where all moms can thrive.

God's Purpose for Mothers

God has a unique purpose for every mom. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, a single mom, or any other form of mother, your role is significant and valuable.

God can use your strengths, talents, and passions to impact the lives of others. By seeking His guidance and wisdom, you can discern your purpose and discover new ways to serve Him and your community.

Supporting Moms in Everyday Life

1. Strengthening Your Faith

A strong foundation in faith is vital for moms. We offer various resources, including Bible studies, prayer groups, and mentoring programs, to help you deepen your relationship with God and strengthen your spiritual journey.

2. Empowering Motherhood

At CityView Church Alvin, we believe in empowering moms to embrace their calling. Through workshops, seminars, and support networks, we equip moms with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the challenges of motherhood and thrive in their roles.

3. Connecting with Other Moms

Motherhood can be both rewarding and challenging. Our community provides a safe and nurturing space for moms to connect, share experiences, and offer support to one another. Together, we journey through the joys and struggles, knowing that we are never alone.

4. Making a Difference

CityView Church Alvin actively supports initiatives that enhance the lives of moms and their families. Through our outreach programs, we strive to make a tangible difference in our community by addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by moms.


Motherhood is a journey filled with countless blessings and opportunities for growth. At CityView Church Alvin, we celebrate the profound impact of moms and believe that being a mom is a divine calling.

By recognizing the significance of motherhood, embracing your calling, and supporting one another, we can unleash the extraordinary power of moms to make a positive difference in the lives of their children, communities, and the world.

Join us at CityView Church Alvin, and let us walk alongside you on this incredible journey of motherhood, as together, we discover how God uses moms every day.

David Smith
So inspiring!
Oct 13, 2023