The Two Ways to Live (Matthew 7:12-14) - CityView Church Alvin

Feb 3, 2019


Welcome to CityView Church Alvin, where we delve into the teachings of Jesus to understand the path towards eternal life. In this sermon, we explore Matthew 7:12-14, which presents two distinct ways of living. Join us as we examine these two paths and discover how they impact our lives.

Understanding Matthew 7:12-14

Matthew 7:12-14 is a profound passage that discusses the contrasting ways of living. Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount, urges his followers to treat others as they would like to be treated. This teaching encapsulates the essence of true love and righteousness. He then proceeds to talk about a narrow gate and a wide gate, symbolizing the different paths people can choose in life.

The Narrow Gate

In verse 13, Jesus explains that the narrow gate represents the path that leads to life. It is a road less traveled, requiring conviction, discipline, and a commitment to following Jesus' teachings. This path may have its challenges, but it ultimately leads to eternal blessings and fulfillment.

The Wide Gate

Contrarily, in verse 14, Jesus highlights the wide gate that leads to destruction. This route is broad and easily accessible, appealing to our human desires and worldly temptations. Choosing this path may offer immediate gratification, but it ultimately leads to emptiness and separation from God.

Key Lessons

Through this passage, we learn several important lessons:

1. Choosing Wisely

Jesus urges individuals to carefully consider their choices. Will they opt for the narrow gate, embracing a life of faith, righteousness, and selflessness? Or will they succumb to the allure of the wide gate, prioritizing worldly pleasures over spiritual growth? This decision can shape their eternal destiny.

2. The Road Less Traveled

The narrow gate represents the road less traveled. Walking this path is not always easy, but it offers the opportunity for personal growth, deep relationships with God and others, and a purpose-driven life. It requires sincerity, perseverance, and a constant pursuit of God's truth.

3. The Dangers of Following the Majority

Jesus warns against blindly following the majority. Often, the wide gate attracts many due to its accessibility and promises of instant gratification. However, popularity does not equate to truth. It is crucial to evaluate the path we choose based on its alignment with God's teachings rather than societal norms.

4. The Ultimate Outcome

While the wide gate may seem appealing in the present, its ultimate outcome is destruction. On the other hand, the narrow gate may involve challenges, but it leads to everlasting life in the presence of God. Keeping our focus on the eternal rewards can help us make the right choices.


As we explore Matthew 7:12-14, we are reminded of the two ways to live. CityView Church Alvin invites you to embark on the journey of faith, following Jesus' teachings, and choosing the narrow gate that leads to life. Let us walk together, supporting one another, and growing in our relationship with God.

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