Sermon Discussion Questions - Your Will Be Done

Jun 14, 2019


Welcome to CityView Church Alvin's sermon discussion questions page on 'Your Will Be Done.' In this sermon, we explore the profound message from Matthew 6:9-10, where Jesus teaches us about surrendering to God's will. Join our faith-filled community as we delve into the transformative power of aligning our desires with God's will.

Understanding God's Will

God's will plays a crucial role in our lives as believers. It represents His perfect plan and purpose for each one of us. By embracing and following God's will, we experience true fulfillment and find ourselves in alignment with His divine intentions.

1. Surrendering to God's Will

Jesus teaches us the importance of surrendering to God's will in Matthew 6:9-10. He invites us to acknowledge God as our heavenly Father and to seek His will above our own. By surrendering our desires and plans to God, we open ourselves up to His wisdom and guidance, trusting that His plans are always for our good.

Key Questions:

  • How can we cultivate a heart of surrender?
  • What are the obstacles that prevent us from fully surrendering to God's will?
  • Why is surrendering to God's will a continuous process?

2. Aligning Our Desires with God's Will

When we align our desires with God's will, we position ourselves to experience His blessings and favor in our lives. This alignment requires us to seek a deeper understanding of God's character and His plans for us. It involves submitting our ambitions and dreams to Him, trusting that His ways are higher and better than our own.

Key Questions:

  • How can we discern God's will when making important decisions?
  • What role does prayer and seeking God's guidance play in aligning our desires with His will?
  • What steps can we take to overcome the fear of surrendering our own desires?

3. Walking in God's Will

Walking in God's will means living out His purposes on a daily basis. It involves obedience to His Word, following His commandments, and seeking to honor Him in all we do. When we walk in alignment with God's will, we experience a deep sense of peace and fulfillment, knowing that we are living according to His divine plan.

Key Questions:

  • What practical steps can we take to discern and pursue God's will in our daily lives?
  • How does walking in God's will impact our relationships with others?
  • What biblical examples can we look to for inspiration and guidance in walking in God's will?


As we explore the sermon discussion questions on 'Your Will Be Done' from Matthew 6:9-10, let us remember that surrendering to God's will is an ongoing journey. By aligning our desires with His, we invite His transformative power into our lives and experience the fullness of His blessings. Join us at CityView Church Alvin as we dive deep into these questions and embark on a quest to truly understand and embrace God's will.